3 Reasons Why You Should Have Branded Social Media Graphics

Social Media Graphics Icons.pngCreating content that is helpful, interesting and inspiring lies at the center of a successful social media strategy. Creating content that is visual is the key to encouraging and attracting engagement. As a social media marketer, you can create content that meets all of these demands with the help of custom graphics.

If any of the following apply to you, you should consider implementing custom branded social media graphics in your content strategy. 

You want to boost your social media engagement

The value of social media engagement is immense. Posts that achieve a higher engagement rate (more likes, comments and shares) are often rewarded by platforms like Facebook with a bigger organic reach. Further, posts that receive large amounts of engagement are good indicators of your audience’s interests. The more engagement you receive, the better you are connecting with your intended audience. But how can you be sure you are creating content that is engaging? The answer is simple: make sure your content is visual. Posts that feature photos or other visual content account for 93% of the most engaging posts on Facebook. Sourcing good quality photography or video for your social media feeds can be time consuming and expensive, so consider supplementing these visual assets with custom-made graphics.

You want a more consistent social media feed

If you’re new to social media marketing, we’ll let you in on a secret: consistency is key. Consistency in content, timing, and voice will allow you to communicate your brand identity and influence brand perception. If you’re having trouble finding your brand’s voice on social media, using graphics can help. Once you’ve implemented graphics into your content, people will begin to recognize your brand and its personality. Your content will become more recognizable and more anticipated, and you’ll stick out as a familiar face in your audience’s social feeds. Each impression you have will provide an opportunity to deepen the relationship you have with your audience by creating a unique and engaging experience for them. For fresh produce marketers, these repeat experiences are important in influencing a person’s ability to recall your brand. 

You have a story to tell

Social media graphics provide a powerful opportunity to humanize your brand and create an emotional connection with your audience. You can use branded graphics as a visual way to share inspirational quotes that convey your brand’s values. You can also use social media graphics to share your growing story with consumers and “bring them” to the farm. You can even create a simple infographic to share nutrition information in a more visual and engaging way. Whatever your story may be, social media graphics allow you to share it in a way that copy alone can’t.

If you’re interested in creating custom-designed graphics for your brand that will inspire engagement within your social media communities, reach out to us for help! We’d love to work together to create custom templates you can use across all of your social media platforms.
