5 Common Content Marketing Mistakes

While content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing tactics, it generates more than three times as many leads, making it the obvious choice in what you should be including in your overall marketing strategy. In fact, content marketing leaders experience 7.8 times more site traffic than non-leaders. However, if you aren’t implementing your strategy correctly, your brand won’t be able to reap the full benefits of content marketing. Here are 5 common content marketing mistakes brands make that you should be aware of as you implement your strategy.

  1. Wrong Audience

Creating content for the wrong or too broad of an audience is a common error that we see marketers making. Having a very specific group of people as your audience will help increase the relevance of your content and in turn, be more effective. Focus the production of your content to be relevant to your biggest fans who are most likely to buy from you. You’ll attract more engaged customers this way.

  1. No Planning 

One of the worst things you can do when it comes to content marketing is to not have a plan before diving in. Start by doing some research and learn what your intended audience’s demographics and needs are. Also do research on your immediate competitors and see what is and isn’t working for them with the content they are producing.

  1. No Strategy or Goals 

What is the end game? This is a question you should be asking yourself when you decide you want to implement content marketing with your brand. If you aren’t actively thinking about the long-term game plan, you will not be successful. 

Once you’ve done the research and know what direction you want your content to go in, set goals for yourself to achieve in the next 6 months to a year. Put together an editorial calendar to help you accomplish those goals. Trust us, all the work you put in beforehand will help you tremendously in the long run!

  1. You Aren’t Posting Content Consistently 

Consistency is key. Remember that editorial calendar you put together in the planning stage of your content marketing strategy? This is where it comes in handy. Stay on schedule and post regularly, whether that is every week or every other week. Consistent posting of content helps show your audience that you are a thought leader in your industry and the place to go when they need more information or help solving a problem. Joe Pulizzi, Founder of Content Marketing Institute says it best – “Content marketing comes down to commitment. There’s no halfway. You’re either in or you’re out.”

  1. Selling Instead of Solving 

Think of your content’s purpose like a friendship. If a friend came to you with a problem, would you reply with just talking about yourself and your life? Or would you try to help them come up with a solution to their problem? A good friend would try to do the ladder, and so should your content. Don’t talk about your company and what you are selling constantly. Relate to your audience by presenting a problem they may have and concluding with a solution to that problem. This creates a sense of trust and a connection to your audience that they can’t get anywhere else. 

Content marketing is a critical component to our marketing success and our ability to connect audiences to our brands. Avoid these content marketing mistakes and make sure you are approaching it in the most effective way possible!