Are You Meeting Consumers’ Expectations of Your Brand?

Social media has given us access to customer service assistance at our fingertips and created a yearning for instant support and communication from brands. As a result, the pressure brands are under to provide immediate responses and solutions has increased exponentially.  After reading this post, you’ll walk away with knowing best practices for managing customer responses and will understand the stakes.

Speed is an expectation. 

Whether a question about product availability, your farming practices, complaints, or praises, customers are looking for an answer or a connection and they want it quickly. In fact, 42% of consumers expect a response on social media within 60 minutes. From a customer perspective, not meeting these expectations can be perceived as a brand’s lack of care and consideration. How can you stay on top of your social media and show your support to customers? Follow these three tips: 

  1. Place someone in charge of social media management. Marketing agencies, like DMA Solutions, can help you fill this role. 
  2. Set up automatic responses on Facebook letting your audience know their message has been received and will be responded to in a given amount of time. 
  3. When complaints or challenging questions arise that need additional time to answer, ask your customer to send you a direct message with their question. Then let them know you’re looking into the problem and will get back to them as soon as possible. 

Remember that it’s a good rule of thumb to over communicate with your audience. When you miss out on the opportunity to respond to a customer’s needs, you also miss out on the chance to build loyalty, further the conversation, and create a lifetime customer.  


Social responsibility is a must. 

According to a recent study, nearly 70% of consumers noted that sustainability is at least “somewhat important” to them when making a purchase and, even more importantly, 47% would pay more for a sustainable product. 

These statistics should tell us that customers care – and are willing to spend more – on brands that support a good cause and emphasize sustainable practices

Are you sharing information about the ways you support your community and implement sustainable practices on social media? If not, you’re missing out on an opportunity to deepen engagement with your brand and drive sales. So, take advantage of each opportunity to share your sustainability story and showcase the efforts you’re taking to be a good steward of the environment. People will appreciate it – and have come to expect it. 

Make it personal. 

Know your audience and target them effectively on social media. When you know your audience, you’re able to speak in a way that resonates with their needs. This will not only make them feel valued, but will also spark them to learn more about your product offerings. 

When you create an advertisement on social media, spend time crafting your target audience and understanding whom your product best serves. Remember, when you are able to speak to a customer need they will – in turn – listen to what you have to say. 

Stay consistent. 

On average, today’s consumer receives 121 emails every day. That means, if you choose to send a promotional email to your audience once this month, you’ve set your brand up for a 1 in 3,630 chance of earning their attention. What is this telling us? If you’re not telling an impactful and strategic story in a way that resonates with your audience, your message will get lost in the inbox.  

Interestingly enough, this insight is also drawing attention to another key aspect of social media and email marketing… repetition is key. With constant stimulation from social media and a full inbox, your audience is being bombarded with information. Therefore, you need to repeat your message and tell your brand story many times and in a variety of ways to break through the noise. 

Be the brand that knows your audience so well they can’t help but engage with your content on social media. This will win you both fans and favor. 
