Creating a Brand Experience with Pinterest

iStock_20529017_MEDIUM.jpgPhotos are such a powerful form of communication. A good photo can express mood, tone, and atmosphere that can align with your brand and even move it into an entirely new direction. It’s in these “atmospheres” that photos can create an experience for your audience. Pinterest is a platform where, much like Instagram, is made entirely of photos. One difference though, is that on Pinterest you can have entire collections of photos that you do not own. Here is how you can take advantage of that, as well as the other features that Pinterest offers in order to create an experience for your audience.

Make it a rule: pin ONLY stunning photos

This is the MOST important tip, and only you can define what “stunning” means for your brand. But once you have identified the look and feel you’re trying to achieve, be sure you ONLY re-pin images that match those specifications, and nothing less. Finding photos that match the look and feel of your brand might require more time spent searching through Pinterest, but the result is worth it. Aesthetic consistency communicates that a brand that is sure of who they are, and when your audience begins to sense that surety, they will start to trust you.

Create boards that speak to lifestyle

It’s good to have boards specific to your product offering, but another way to maximize the power of Pinterest is to also create boards that speak to the INTERESTS of your audience. Maybe your target audience is interested in camping, sports, or home décor. Whatever it is, it’s important to speak to those interests by creating boards around those topics. Not only does it help keep your Pinterest account interesting, but it also exposes your brand to new audiences that you otherwise might not reach.

You do not need 500+ boards to be successful

One mistake a lot brands make, is that they think the more boards they have, the more effective they will be. Not necessarily. The truth is, the more STRATEGIC you are with your boards, the more effective you will be. This is a foundational truth for social media in general, but very much applies to Pinterest. It’s the quality vs. quantity idea. A brand using 10 boards strategically can be more effective than a brand with 80 boards and no strategy. Putting more thought into why you are creating the boards you are creating will help your overall success on the platform.

Success on Pinterest can look different for each brand depending on their goals. However, these tips can be applied to virtually any brand looking to use Pinterest more effectively. Thinking about how each re-pinnned photo is contributing to the overall experience is one of the most powerful ways to communicate who you are as a brand, and build trust with your consumer.