How Brands Can Navigate the Latest Facebook Timeline Update

In January, Facebook announced that they would make a shift in the way that audiences see status updates on the platform in hopes of bringing people closer together and ensure that the time people spend on the platform is well spent. This update stemmed from feedback within their community stating that “posts from businesses, brands and media” were crowding the platform. There are several ways for brands to make slight adjustments to ensure that their content can still be seen by those audiences who are actively interested in it. Here’s what you can do to maneuver the latest algorithm update:

Humanize your content

With the newest update, Facebook is favoring content that provides a person-to-person connection. When it comes to creating content for the platform, think about ideas that will provoke a conversation type of tone with audiences. Ask questions, tell stories, and work to strengthen your relationship with audiences so that they will view your content not just as a business or brand but as a real person with real feelings.

Create “viral” and engaging content

Another way that Facebook chooses to favor certain content is by the amount of interactions it receives. By creating content that encourages reactions, comments, and shares, Facebook will push this content out to a larger spread of audiences. A great way for your brand to tap into this type of content is to share Live videos. Facebook Live videos typically generate comments organically within your community and encourage conversations.

Post more visual content

We’ve stated for years that brands who are present on social media need to have a visual content plan in mind. According to HubSpot, “when people hear information they are likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retained 65% of the information three days later.” Now that brands are in a tight space competing for content placements within a more personalized news feed, it’s more important than ever to follow these visual content guidelines. If you need some help amplifying your visual content, consider our Social Media Graphics Package.

Still worried about the Facebook algorithm and what it means for your brand? Reach out to us for a free marketing consultation and we’ll be happy to discuss how we can help you!