How to Use Instagram Photos to Shape a Positive Brand Perception

igpost.pngWhen it comes to Instagram, the expression a photo is worth a thousand words has never held truer. One photo on Instagram can communicate your brand messaging, quality of product, an understanding of your demographic, convey emotion, and more. Because photos offer such a huge opportunity to captivate your audience and shape perception, we want to share with you 3 ways you can use your Instagram photography to shape a positive brand perception.

Determine the vibe of your brand

What is your brand’s “vibe?” Perhaps your brand is adventurous and ideal for people who are into health and fitness. If that’s the case, then it would be wise to have photography that communicates this message in a visual way. For example, using photos of someone enjoying your product while on a hike, or sitting and eating by a body of water, or maybe working out in a gym. By sharing this type of photography consistently over time, your audience will start to form a perception and association of your brand based on the type of content you’re sharing. Hopefully, if done right, the perception they’re forming of you is aligned with your brand identity and they recognize that your product is valuable.

Share photos across platforms

Try sharing a handful of your Instagram photos or posts on Facebook and Twitter. You could even create a Pinterest board housing your Instagram photos, which would be a great way to further brand awareness. Over time, you’ll see how your photos are performing and which photos are the most popular. This approach will only expedite the messaging you’re trying to convey across platforms.

Use popular photos in your advertising

Once you’ve gathered data to suggest which photos perform the best for your brand on Instagram, you can then use these photos in your social advertising on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to reach an even larger audience. Not only will you be confident the photos will perform based on past engagement, but you can also be assured that the photos will keep working to form a positive perception of your brand.

When it comes to food, most often we decide whether or not we want to eat it something just based on how it looks. Using Instagram photos in various ways will help you create the positive perception and association that you want the viewer to remember when they see your product on the shelf.