Why We Love Working in Fresh Produce [GIFs]

14-Main_Post-AD-Why-We-Love-Fresh-ProduceIt’s that time of year when love is in the air. Red roses, dipped berries—so many sweet things to share. But there’s much more to love than things that are purchased. Show you care and pronounce that your love is well worth-it. And what has more worth than our love for fresh food? What sprouts from the earth makes us feel so very good! And so we have gathered to show off our devotion, to an industry so special, it’s forever in motion. Read on below for love expressed in a meme— a tribute to the produce industry from each member of our team:


Megan loves working in produce because it brightens her mood! She walks in each morning knowing she’s doing something good. She has the wits for marketing, which is naturally great. But to market fresh produce is icing on the cake.


Brock is one for adventure, and a real social bee. He loves to market products that make people happy and healthy. Regular trips to The Promised Land— California for those who don’t know— allow him to keep up with his clients and friends while visiting his home away from home.


Bozhena loves fresh produce because it makes her feel good. And how could you not when you work with fresh food? To work for an industry that advocates fresh, inspires her to walk into work each morning feeling her best.


There’s more to an industry than what brings in the dough, and Chelsea appreciates that more than you know. She loves that the produce biz inspires healthy living—this way she feels she is constantly giving!


Brittany’s new to the industry, but she’s already a fan. She thinks it’s exciting how we allow consumers to connect with a brand!


Mackenzie is active, and this industry keeps her on her toes. Each day is different (of all people, she would know). Working with Mother Nature is a challenge she accepts— it provides the opportunity to keep working her best!


She’s a lover of food and loves to share even more—working in fresh produce provides Baharan opportunities galore! From social to writing, there are so many ways to connect. She’s just happy she gets to work with the best.


Marci is loyal, and loves her clients with fervor. She can fix any problem without so much as a murmur! She loves what she does, and the industry’s mission. She’s proud to represent it with her management position!


The produce industry is full of beauty and color, and for Ashley that makes it unlike any other. She’s proud to market their products and inspire healthy living, and enjoys the days when fresh shipments arrive for the taking!


Designer by day, fitness guru by night, Molly loves working in fresh produce with all of her might. She loves what she does, and the message she sends—she knows everything the industry does is for a good cause, in the end!


She’s shared with us once, and she’ll share with us again. Dan’l rates working in produce 10 out of 10! She’s worked hard for the industry—given her blood, sweat, and tears—and she’s been an advocate for fresh produce for twenty-plus years!

So there you have it, our little marketing niche. Sharing fresh-food inspiration, from smoothies to quiche. What we do is done with a single mission: to advocate the consumption of fresh produce, from kitchen to kitchen.
