Why We Love Working with Gen X

GENX.pngOur dearest Brock Nemecek wrote an article a few weeks ago about the benefits of working with Millennials, and we could only respond in a mutual love and respect for our Gen X colleagues. Just as Millennials have been deemed dependent and entitled, Gen X was once deemed the “slacker generation” by Boomers. We know now that this couldn’t be further from the truth and we’re excited to share what we do know to be true about our Gen X DMAers and the reason we love them so much.

They have valuable experience.

Our Gen X colleagues bring a wealth of information and context to conversations surrounding fresh produce marketing because of their tenure. They have built connections within the industry and a trust that we inspire to emulate in our own growth. When it comes to networking at tradeshows and working with clients, we’re taking notes because it’s obvious that there is a mutual respect across the industry for our Gen X rockstars.

They challenge us.

Our Gen Xers challenge us to discover things on our own and grow as young professionals. While they are excellent coaches and provide valuable feedback, they also believe that growth happens when we’re able to make and learn from our mistakes. They do not provide baby-step instructions, so we’re challenged to figure things out on our own. Though many Millennials struggle with this at first, we believe it has long-lasting benefits and pushes us to think independently and strategically.

They are hard workers.

Gen Xers worked through more recessions than any other generation and were the first to have two working parents, so they know how to get things done. They’ve developed a healthy skepticism that makes them question ideas and demand results. This way of thinking challenges us as Millennials and keeps us on our toes – more than anything, it keeps us considering outcomes and goals rather than big ideas and “what ifs.” Their hardworking, entrepreneurial spirit inspires us to come prepared with creative solutions that not only sound good, but get results.

Their respect isn’t handed out, it’s earned.

Gen Xers do not give out praise and participation trophies for name’s sake, and we appreciate that. When our Gen X team tells us we’re doing a great job, it means more because we know it’s earned and genuine. They remind us that it’s about the skills we bring to the table, not our titles. If Millennials want to be taken seriously by industry leaders, they better come prepared and with the willingness to work hard.  

They’re Bombdigity

How could we not love the generation that brought acid-washed jeans and Rick Astley? Pop culture references from our Gen Xers are always entertaining – from feathered hair and powder blue tuxes to Ferris Beuller and Motley Crue references. We will always be envious of the fact that their generation produced people like Sheryl Sandberg, David Grohl, Sandra Bullock, and Shaquille O’Neal, while ours brought Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian.

In typical Millennial fashion, here is a YouTube video that sums up how we feel about our Gen X leaders in the fresh produce industry!

Have a thought to share with us? Tweet us at @thecoreblog!