42 Statistics That Prove the Power of Podcasts in 2023

Podcasts are on trend globally in terms of creation and people tuning in.  We started Self Smarter Podcast a little over a year ago and even we’ve been surprised at the number of people globally that we’re able to reach on any given day.  We’re tapping into people listening in Australia, England, and of course, right here in the good ole’ USA.

42 Podcast Statistics in 2023

  1. There are 464.7 million podcast listeners globally as of 2023. (DemandSage)
  2. On top of this, there are approximately 5 million podcasts airing globally. (DemandSage)
  3. 79% of the US population over the age of 12 are familiar with podcasting. (BuzzSprout)SS ad 1
  4. The majority of Americans age 12-54 (53%) have listened to a podcast in the last month. (Edison Research)
  5. 43% of listeners ages 35-54 are monthly podcast listeners (the most popular age group for podcast consumption). (BuzzSprout)
  6. 22% of people listen to podcasts while driving. (DemandSage)
  7. Spoken word media consumption has gone up 214% among Gen Z (13-24 year olds) compared to 13-34 year-olds in 2014. (Edison Research)
  8. 47% of time spent with spoken word audio is spent with AM/FM radio, 21% with podcasts, 11% with audiobooks, and 21% with other. (Edison Research)
  9. Video Podcast production is now higher than ever. (DemandSage)
  10. Spotify and Apple podcasts are the two biggest podcast streaming services on the globe. (DemandSage)
  11. The United States has the most podcast listeners in the world. It is predicted that over 100 million active podcast listeners will be in the U.S. in 2023. (DemandSage)
  12. 90% of Australians are aware of podcasting. (Influencer Marketing Hub)

  13. 43% of U.S. men and 48% of U.S. women listen to podcasts. (Edison Research)

  14. Over 66% have a college degree (bachelor’s or higher) and an average annual household income of $75,000 or more. (BuzzSprout)
  15. Over one-fourth of Americans, ages 55+, listen to podcasts monthly. (BuzzSprout)
  16. 62% of US consumers listen to podcasts. (Statista)

  17. 73% listen to podcasts on their smartphone. (BuzzSprout)
  18. 49% of podcast listening happens at home. (BuzzSprout)
  19. Most people (26%) listen to podcasts from 10 AM to 2 PM. (Edison Research)
  20. Before 10 AM is the next most popular time to listen to podcasts (25%). (Edison Research)
  21. The most popular podcasts are:

23. 22% of podcast listeners in the United States prefer comedy as a genre. (Statista)

24. The most popular genres are:

25. Apple Podcasts holds the number one spot with 38.7% of all podcast listeners and 48,789,778 podcast downloads. (Buzz Sprout)

26. Spotify currently holds the number two spot with 28% of podcast users and 35,295,536 downloads. (Buzz Sprout)

27. On average, podcast listeners tune into eight different shows per week. (Buzz Sprout)

28. 80% of listeners listen to all or most of every podcast episode they start. (Buzz Sprout)

29. Superlisteners are people that listen to more than five podcasts per week.

30. Superlisteners consume an average of 11.2 hours of podcasts a week. (Edison Research)

31. Over 50% of podcasts are between 20 and 60 minutes. (Buzz Sprout)

32. Weekdays are more popular publishing days than weekends, but no particular weekday is better than another. (Podchaser)

33. 30% of new podcast listeners search the internet to find new shows. (Edison Research)

34. 19% ask friends and family for podcast recommendations. (Edison Research)

35. 17% use social media. (Edison Research)

36. 69% of respondents say podcast ads increase their awareness of products, brands, and services. (Edison Research)

37. 81% say they pay attention to podcast ads more than they do to radio, TV commercials, billboards, and even digital ads on social media. (Edison Research)

38. Ad revenue from podcasting is projected to exceed $2 billion by 2023. (iab.)

39. People are 48% more likely to consider a brand after hearing an ad via the speaker compared to ads heard in other places. (National Public Media)

40. 80% agree that brands that advertise on smart speakers are innovative.(National Public Media)

41. Current estimates project that listeners in the U.S. could increase from 75.9 million to 100 million  listeners in the U.S. by 2024. (Statista)
42. Monthly podcast listening is growing the fastest among Americans ages 55+. (Statista)

We welcome you to listen to our Self Smarter podcast or contact us if you’re interested in starting a podcast for your business.  We’re happy to talk through the process with you!