5 Reasons We’re in Love with Inbound Marketing

iStock-595147398-1-569805-edited.jpgIt’s Valentine’s Day and we want to gush about a major crush we’ve got on Inbound Marketing.

If you aren’t familiar with everything inbound marketing has to offer, take a look at this infographic comparing inbound marketing to traditional, outbound marketing. This methodology EARNS permission from your audiences and then delights them with more!

Inbound marketing affords marketers smooth, automated moves that attract strangers and woo them into happy customers. What’s not to love? In fact, many fresh produce brands feel the same way and have already said their vows to inbound! Here’s why:

5 Reasons to Love Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing takes action.

With calls-to-action placed front and center on a brand’s website, audiences are never left wondering what to do. There’s nothing like clear and concise direction. We fall hard for initiative like that.


Inbound Marketing is helpful.

By understanding the needs and wants of audiences, inbound marketers are able to deliver tailored content that people care most about (like recipe guides, tips and valuable research). That’s almost as good as having someone do the dishes for us.

as you wish

Inbound Marketing is always on time.

Not too early. Not too late. Depending on the life-cycle stage of a lead, marketers know exactly when and how to take the next step with someone whether it means a follow up email on Tuesday at 6:00 a.m. or a phone call at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Or with flowers and chocolate on a beach front patio at just the right moment so you’ll never find yourself saying:

now it's too late

Inbound Marketing is easier on the wallet.

By leveraging digital tools that are relatively inexpensive like websites, blogs and social media, inbound marketers experience a 61% lower cost per lead than outbound-only marketers paying for direct mail, advertisements and expensive Super Bowl promotions! Now…it’s not that we are looking for a cheap date, but we know we can trust Inbound marketing to love us for things besides our wallets.

help me i'm poor

Inbound Marketing isn’t desperate or clingy.

Rather than smothering customers with information when they don’t want it, inbound marketing nurtures people and allows them to engage with a brand when it’s convenient for them. Inbound basically says, “Take your time. I’m here when you’re ready,” rather than clawing your way to attention. So, if you’re a strawberry grower, inbound marketing would allow you to reach people who are just as strawberry-obsessed as you are, and certainly not someone who hates these little fruits! Patience is attractive, isn’t it?


Inbound Marketing is a pretty great catch. We’ve got a keeper on our hands! But don’t worry – there’s enough of this delightful methodology to go around. If you’ve been struck by Cupid’s arrow and think you may be falling for Inbound Marketing, request a consultation to get your own love story in the works. Roses are red, violets are blue, we’re in love with Inbound Marketing … how about you?

i love you


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