5 Tips for a Better Website

5 Steps to Website Overhaul

If you’re a website analytics stalker like me, you know that your company’s website traffic more than likely escalates significantly after industry tradeshows. Therefore, NOW is the time to plan for an influx of website traffic, much of it consisting of new visitors. Listed below are five simple steps to improving your website prior to PMA Fresh Summit:

1. Improve your SEO – Update page titles, keywords and meta tags throughout the website to give it an SEO makeover.

2. Integrate Social Media – If you have a Facebook and Twitter presence but haven’t taken the time to add the links and logos to your home page, do it now! You’ll want your new website visitors to peruse the site and join your social media community as well!

stock people image3. Feature Friendly Faces – If your website has a photo like the one to the right, change it. Who are these people anyway?!? Websites that showcase friendly faces of the people who actually work for the company establish instant rapport and trust from website visitors.

4. Get to the Point – If we know that more traffic will be visiting your site post PMA Fresh Summit, logic would dictate that we want visitors to see what’s “hot” when they arrive. Add an image of your latest product or service to the home page with a direct link to a page where they can learn more.

5. Request a Meeting – If people at the show were out of time and unable to meet with you in person, make it easy for them to contact your sales team with a simple click from your website’s home page.

Posted by: The Optimist (Megan Zweig)