How to Help People Meet Their Resolutions in 2015

jan2Hello 2015! It’s a brand new year, and we’re excited to get a fresh start! Those who are thinking about their New Year’s resolutions now are looking for ways to get healthy, and this is the month for your products to shine and inspire them to make this year the best one yet.

Every January, resolutions are at the forefront of our minds. We make promises to ourselves to lead happier, healthier lives. Whether the resolution means eating healthier, losing weight, exercising more, spending less or being a better person, it’s all about enjoying life.

When you’re delivering your content this month, stick to these themes to help your audiences reach their goals in 2015. Share healthy recipes, nutrition tips, ways to save money at the grocery store, how to cut back on food waste, easy ways to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy swaps for not-so-healthy favorites.

Here are some tips for reaching these audiences this New Year on these popular platforms:

On Pinterest

Create boards to share healthy recipes, nutrition infographics, exercise plans, meal plans and eating tips. You will also want to create a motivational board to include positive messaging and inspiration photography. Pin only the best imagery.

On Twitter

Incorporate these hashtags in your New Year messaging: #EnjoyLife, #NewYearsResolution, #Resolution2015, #Resolution, #2015, #Healthy, #HealthyFood, #HealthyHabits, #HealthyJanuary, #Healthy2015

On Instagram

Post well-designed motivational messages and simple healthy meal snapshots to inspire your audience in the New Year. Overhead shots are simple and straightforward. Use a white or solid-colored plate or bowl on a neutral background to showcase the beauty of your products.
