As new marketing tactics are being refined and polished every day, some “old school” methods still stand the test of time. Sending out a press release could be viewed as an outdated way to get your brand the exposure it deserves, yet when the strategy behind the release is executed properly, your brand can expect major results. At DMA, we still firmly believe in sending out press releases as a part of your overall marketing strategy, but there is a time and a place – and etiquette – in doing so. Before you hit that send button, here are a couple of things to consider in regards to releasing news to the trade or consumer media.
Is this relevant and timely information?
New hires joining your team, new products hitting the shelves, the launch of a new campaign, or a product recall are just a few topics that warrant a press release. However, there’s a fine line of what’s newsworthy and what’s just boastful. Make sure you are writing for your target audience about current events and what this means for them. If the news you are sharing is something that happened more than 6 months ago, it’s truly not news anymore. Find a new angle and alter your messaging to ensure the information is relevant to the timeframe you’re looking to send.
Am I hooking readers with the most important info first?
Nowadays, keeping your audience’s attention is posing more of a challenge than ever before. In order to hook your readers, we recommend following the inverted pyramid guidelines – starting with the most important information and supporting with details and quotes in the body of the release. Consider this: if your audience only reads the first paragraph, will they have the most vital pieces of information? Additionally, accompany your news with your logo and relevant high res images for optimal distribution and eye-catching appeal. Make sure to include a quote from an executive or thought leader within your organization in addition to attention-grabbing language throughout the release.
Do I have a call-to-action (CTA)?
Typically, a press release is a tactic that falls under the strategy of an overarching campaign – it rarely stands alone. The plan for sending a release should be thought out and the success of the overall campaign should be defined. One of the best ways to measure the success of a release is to include a call-to-action at the end. A call-to-action is a statement in which you can tell your readers what you want them to do with this new information – download a new resource, stop by a tradeshow booth, enter a sweepstakes, etc. Use language that evokes a sense of urgency so that when your readers are walking away from your news, they are taking the desired next steps.
Within fresh produce, we see an influx of news hit the industry right before a trade show – which is great and on par with what you should be doing! Need help crafting your perfect message? We’d love to help! Feel free to reach out to for more information on how DMA can support you.