5 Best Practices for Nurturing Blogger Relationships

CoreBanner_NurtureBloggers.pngBlogging has become a mainstream activity in the last 5 years, so much so that it seems like everyone has a platform for their own content. The digital landscape is crowded, and that means that it’s even more important to nurture relationships with the bloggers who carry significant influence in the hustle and bustle of it all. With influence comes trust, and we know that a trusted referral is the number 1 reason people buy products. If you still think bloggers aren’t a valuable partner in your marketing efforts to drive sales, then you’re sadly mistaken. So, let’s talk about ways to nurture positive relationships with bloggers to create a win-win situation for everyone.

  1. Be intentional – Just as you expect a blogger to fall in love with your product by doing research about the brand, testing the product, and experimenting with recipes, you should be doing the same with your blog partners. If you’re not researching a blogger’s background, engaging with them on social media, or taking the time to get to know their unique writing and photography style, then it’s going to be painfully obvious that you’re looking for a one-sided business deal. And that doesn’t make anyone feel valued as a partner.
  1. Invest – This doesn’t just mean money. The expectation in any relationship (business or personal) is that you’re going to invest time and resources to grow that relationship. If the sacrifice lays heavier on one person to invest in the other, then the relationship will not last long. Remember that when you go out of your way to invest in people, they usually return the favor. This is an incredibly effective way to ensure that your brand stand out. Then, when that blogger is asked by a friend (or media outlet, for that matter), they’re more likely to recommend your brand because they’ve had such positive experience with you.
  1. Set realistic expectations – Just as you would expect your boss to consult with you on measurements of success with your work performance, it’s important that you set expectations when communicating with bloggers. A great way to do this is to talk through brand goals and any messaging points or photography style that you’re hoping to achieve. Consultation with a blogger before setting expectations makes the conversation about goals a much more productive one, since everyone understands what it’s going to take to meet those goals.
  1. Show appreciation – I can’t stress this point enough. While we may be paying a blogger to create content for us, it’s so important to show appreciation for the dedication and time that goes into creating a post that speaks emotionally to a reader. Think about it this way – we pay for food at a restaurant, but we tip the server for their exceptional care and consideration while delivering that food and taking time to support our needs in the process. Appreciation can be as simple as sending product so that blogger doesn’t have to go find it, showing them love on your social platforms, or sending personalized thank-you notes. This is often the simplest, but most forgotten step in nurturing a relationship with influencers – and I promise you, they notice.
  1. Provide unique opportunities – The bloggers that you want to talk about your brand are also bloggers that value long-term relationships. One way to encourage a long-term partnership is to offer unique opportunities to create content, including first access to new products, multiple partnerships throughout the year, and consistent updates about the brand. This shows that you are interested in more than a one-off relationship and willing to invest by offering opportunities that the general public doesn’t get.

Creating positive relationships with bloggers goes so much further than a momentary interaction. When a blogger creates content that they are passionate about, and that content lives forever on a blog or social media page, it has endless potential to influence people, even years after it’s been published.

So, let’s be known as the industry that leans into these relationships by doing them differently, and in turn, most effectively. While we don’t have CPG budgets, we have compelling stories and the ability to treat our relationships better than any other industry by making them personal.

For more information about influencer outreach or help creating your own blogger promotions, please contact us at info@dma-solutions.com. You can also tweet @bethatkinsonpr and @thecoreblog!