A Fresh Volunteer Opportunity that Spoke to Our Hearts

As marketers in the fresh produce industry we are passionate about inspiring people to explore the stories behind their fresh food and where it comes from. When Thanksgiving rolled around, we wanted to do more to show our gratitude for an industry we care deeply about, as well as connect our own team members with an authentic understanding of the hard work that our client’s do everyday. That’s why when we heard about the We Over Me Farm at Dallas-based Paul Quinn College, we knew this was the perfect place to celebrate Thanksgiving and give back as a team.

Our Fresh Volunteer Opportunity

About We Over Me and Paul Quinn

When Michael J. Sorrell became the President of Paul Quinn College, he recognized that their campus sat in the middle of a federally recognized food desert. In response to the dire need in their community for fresh produce, he had an idea as he gazed upon the school’s unused football field: he decided to turn the football field into a farm that would not only offer fresh food, but also endless personal growth opportunities to the students and local community. They created a mission to “transform the health and wellbeing of under resourced communities by providing fresh, healthy, affordable food options and by educating and empowering future generations to take care of themselves, their environments, and their communities.”

The We Over Me farms mission aligns perfectly with our mission and core values at DMA, so we rolled up our sleeves and stuck our hands into the Dallas soil for Thanksgiving! While we did get a glimpse of how the fresh supply chain begins, our team ultimately learned that together we could be a part of creating a brighter future for our community. This year was only the beginning for us, sowing small seeds that we hope eventually become deep roots supporting our community, and we hope you might do this too. Paul Quinn says it best with their four “L” mantra: “Leave places better than you found them, Lead from wherever you are, Live a life that matters, Love something greater than yourself.” You can’t change the world if you neglect your own backyard, so what will your team do this year to make the grass greener on your side? Here are a few photos from our experience:

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