Danielle’s Summer Learning Experience


“Marketing + Produce” read the greeting card. Two little words that made one big statement. Ok, simple enough, right? I mean, I’m a marketing major and the products I’d be marketing during my summer internship were fruits and vegetables, so it seemed to add up correctly (never mind the fact that I’ve never really been a shining star in the mathematical community). I continued to read, “Welcome to the SEXY world of Fresh Produce.” Sexy? I mean, come on, this was not a Victoria’s Secret commercial. I literally laughed out loud, and, as a smile slowly crept across my face, I knew I had landed an internship at the right place. This was definitely the training camp to prepare me for post-graduation and entering the “real world” ahead.

Looking back at that first day, I’m baffled at just how much knowledge my spongy little brain has been able to soak up during my time here at DMA Solutions. From the many facets of social media marketing to Google Analytics and statistics galore, I’ve been whipped into shape, marketing-style. I’ve also had the pleasure of working with some of the most creative and comical people I have ever encountered. Their passion for marketing fresh produce literally radiates like sunlight off of each and every one of them. As a result, this office environment completely squashes any “corporate world” cliché.

I will soon be heading back to the chicken-nugget sized town of College Station, Texas to begin my senior year at Texas A&M University. Looking back to when you were an intern, what was your frame of mind? Currently, I am completely overwhelmed with a combination of “senioritis” and anticipation for my blossoming career. Sprinkle in a pinch of fear and a dash of anxiety, and you have the exact make-up of a college-aged intern. But, the most important quality that interns possess is their willingness to learn.

As my internship experience at DMA transitions from “in office” to “remote”, I reflect back on some of the most important pieces of advice I’ve received. I have learned that it’s not just the job you have, but the people you work with that make you want to come to the office every day. I have also learned that marketing is a field with endless possibilities, and no matter if you are artistic or analytical, it can satisfy that hunger for learning much like a Thanksgiving meal. Finally, I have learned that passion drives success. I’d like to give one giant “thanks” to the entire DMA team for all of their time and encouragement, and of course, for introducing me to the “sexy” world of fresh produce. I look forward to continuing my work with DMA, our clients, and my new colleagues in the fresh produce industry!

Posted by: Danielle Estes