DMA Turkeys Give Thanks


DMADan’l – I’m thankful for Spanx when they are needed, a karaoke bar that actually has “You’re the Reason God Made Oklahoma” on the play list, and for the years of memories from the great A&M/Texas rivalry that is unfortunately coming to an end (not to mention the can of whoop-a$$ the Aggies will open up on the Longhorns next week). Also, so thankful for my team’s ability to constantly unscramble the eggs in my head.


Cliff – Thankful for family, friends, clients and all that sappy stuff. But I’m really thankful for Thomas the Train (video and toy format), restaurants with play areas, the zoo, date nights and coffee. We have a toddler if you didn’t guess.


Teresa – Most days I’m thankful for my petite frame but on the days I’m feeling vertically challenged, I’m thankful for my kitchen step stool!


Mike – I’m thankful the Huskies are going to be in a Bowl game since the Seahawks aren’t even good enough to sneak into the playoffs this year. And I’m thankful for my new car so that I won’t have to walk to work during the inevitable Seattle Snowpocalypse this winter.


Megan – These days I’m thankful for girly things. Living in a world where baseball, bugs and boogers are the “big talk” around my house, having the ability to escape with a friend for a girly time truly makes me feel blessed.
Marci – I am thankful that my girls love jewelry, shoes and purses, so that when I go broke trying to maintain our friendship in their teenage years, I’ll still have access to plenty of accessories that I can no longer afford to buy myself.


Mackenzie – I am thankful for being employed right out of college and therefore getting to eat real food during the holidays instead of Ramen Noodles! I am also thankful that I can now watch all EIGHT Harry Potter movies in one sitting like a
super nerd. Can you say obsessed?


Kelly – I am thankful for corny jokes, Folgers coffee, The Dixie Chicken, the Fightin’ Texas Aggies, and to have a job after graduation!


Brock – I am thankful that I became a baseball fan just in time to be crushed by the Texas Rangers. And I’m also thankful that 25ish years ago I decided to root for Duke’s basketball team, even if it was just because I love the color blue.

Posted by: The DMA Solutions Team