The Buzz About Fresh Experience


BUZZ…. About your company, your products, your stories. How does it start? It all starts with one conversation. And that one conversation can result in exposure, press, word of mouth, tweets and other social media mentions, and even increased sales. Just one introduction can make all the difference.

At this year’s Fresh Summit, a new “introduction vehicle” was launched on the last day of exhibits. The Fresh Experience Tour was envisioned to foster relationships between our industry members and influencers outside of our walls.

And this wasn’t to be a nameless, faceless look at our industry. Representatives from exhibiting companies were given the opportunity to personally interact with the “tourists” and tell their stories, answer and ask their own questions.

As one of the guides on the Fresh Experience Tour, I learned, from one of my tour participants, about a charter school he was helping to start in inner-city Atlanta. Leon, a nutritionist and pastry chef, is one of many Atlantans working to build an organic campus. From building supplies, to paper and, especially food in their cafeteria, as many materials as possible will be organic in nature. One of our stops on the tour was Purity Organic, a produce company continuing to build their brand with the launch of an organic juice line. Seems a perfect fit, yes? And this could potentially be a terrific, mutually beneficial partnership and could be the beginning of BUZZ for BOTH parties.

Sure, as an inaugural event, the Tour certainly has room to grow and improve. And the opportunities for future Tours are numerous. With that said, many introductions were made during the event and the organizers learned a heckuva lot from their first rodeo. And, the resulting press and online conversations are certainly something that PMA and the participating exhibitors should consider a success.

Atlanta Journal Constitution
A food editor from the local paper reported about his experience on the show floor and mentioned several exhibiting companies throughout his article.

A Cook and Her Books
A local blogger recounts her experience on the show floor and even showcases a couple exhibitors in her post.

The Little Kitchen
The Little Kitchen posted twice about her experience at PMA Fresh Summit!
Post 1: Meyer Lemon Mojitos
Post 2: Celery with Smoked Salmon Cream Cheese

Savannah, GA blogger takes home a bag of Clementines, makes something special and blogs about it.

We hope that, with the lessons under our belt and the huge Los Angeles market within a short drive, that Fresh Summit 2012 in Anaheim is given the same opportunity for introductions. Because it just takes one.

Posted by The Health Nut (Brock Nemecek)