Consumer promotions have drastically changed from the days when all it took was adding a web page with a static form that asks for visitors’ name and email address (and throwing in a quick marketing question). With our collective attention spans now clocking in at less than that of an average goldfish (ouch!), keeping an audience’s attention is more difficult—and important—now than ever before.
Let’s be honest for a minute: most of us multitask all the time (and hey, according to the above article, at least we’re getting better at it!). One phenomenon related to this increase in multitasking is, of course, the rise of the almighty video game. A little background: The U.S. video game industry is currently valued at 19.72 billion dollars. Don’t buy into the idea that only your Gen Z shoppers play video games though: there’s also a rising senior population utilizing video games as a way to improve mental agility and have a little fun!
As of 2016, consumers prefer playing video games on mobile devices over PC/Mac, social/online, and even gaming consoles.— Statista, 2019
Video Games—How They Relate To Fresh Produce Marketing
“Wait, wait, wait, we’re in fresh produce,” you might say. “What do video games have to do with me?” Actually, quite a lot.
As a fresh produce marketer, you know that most of your consumer reach doesn’t happen in the store: it’s digital. Your digital marketing efforts probably include emails, newsletters, social media posts, website content…and more. But before you go buying video games and a pair of headphones to try and amplify your reach, take a moment to think about one of the deeper meanings inherent in the rise of gaming.
The phrase, “It’s all about the challenge,” doesn’t solely apply to dating, after all! Think about it, video games typically include a constant series of challenges that culminate in the overall “prize” of mastering a level. After mastering all levels, of course, you win the game (hellooo, dopamine surge). Applying a basic video game principle to your fresh produce promotions may sound a little crazy, but it works!
To capitalize on the “gamification” element in your own marketing, start with brainstorming how you could incorporate multiple levels to your next promotion. This can take shape in many ways. We’ve implemented this concept in weekly flash promotions, during which we ask people to take certain actions (i.e. beat certain “levels,” or earn small “accomplishments”) in exchange for certain incentives (such as extra entries). We think of these actions internally as Steps 1, 2 and 3, where each “step” or “level” is an action we want people to take related to our brand, such as following us on social media, reposting an Instagram story, or filling out a form.
But how well does it work, you might ask. Is it really worth our time?
That answer is a resounding yes, based on our own experience! In fact, the DMA team has personally tested the phenomenon through gamifying consumer promotions on behalf of some of our clients this year, and the results speak for themselves. Compared to other promotions, the gamified versions have generated:
- 722% more followers on social media
- 328% increase in sweepstakes submissions (year-over-year)
- 100% increase in web visits
- 40% increase in web traffic (year-over-year)
- 38% decrease in cost per engagement (year-over-year)
- 36% increase in total social media engagements
Gamification on its own, of course, can’t do the job: these numbers are also the culmination of hard work, constant A/B testing, and a team that never quits…but hey, a fun series of challenges never hurts anything either!
Overwhelmed at the thought of coming up with a promotion strategy and executing the necessary coverage on social media (and perhaps even finding an influencer to help promote it)? Don’t be: let the DMA team take a little stress off your plate! Click here to learn more about our services, or to request assistance with a gamified consumer promotion.
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