The downtime over the holidays provides marketers with the perfect opportunity to turn on one of our favorite podcasts to get inspired for 2018. If you aren’t familiar with podcasts, the Huffington Post explains that podcasts help listeners “learn new things in [their] area of interest or hobbies.” For marketers, podcasts provide and endless sea of inspiring thought leadership and ideas that can change the way we approach our work. We’d like to give our Core readers the gift of knowledge this festive season by sharing the top 4 podcasts we’re listening to over the holidays:
Ramsey Solutions presents EntreLeadership, a podcast featuring leaders that excel in their respective industries. Uncover business trends from some of our favorite marketing leaders like Seth Godin, learn leadership tips from Dallas-favorite Mark Cuban, and enjoy lively discussions with some of the top minds in the business world. If you serve your company or our industry in a leadership capacity in any way, we can’t recommend this podcast enough!
Looking for more leadership and every day business inspiration? Meet Lewis Howes, a New York Times bestselling author, lifestyle entrepreneur, and NCAA record holder for the most receiving yards in a single game. The School of Greatness explores Lewis’s tips to success while sharing inspiring stories from world-class athletes and influential celebrities. Discover what makes great people so great and see how you can incorporate their winning habits into your daily routine.
If you’re a marketer, more than likely you have a curiosity streak and you can’t get enough of understanding why people do the things that they do. In this podcast, journey along with host Shankar Vedantam, an American journalist and science correspondent for NPR, as he uses science and storytelling to uncover human behavior through social sciences. Discover the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior and define their choices – all of which can propel your marketing thought leadership forward!
Let’s get real: we’re stressed and busy. Gretchen Rubin, a New York Times bestselling author, and her sister Elizabeth Craft, a TV writer and producer, want to help you make happiness a priority in your manic life. In this podcast they dive into practical, tangible advice about happiness and habit development.
As you begin to start your 2018 resolutions, consider listening to one of these motivating podcasts as a daily or weekly habit in the New Year. Do you have your own favorite podcast that you can’t get enough of? Share it with us @TheCoreBlog!