FRESH on Film


There’s a new “tribe” of talented and exciting cinematographers that we’ve had the pleasure of experiencing via YouTube and other social networks. We are not only entertained by these visual storytellers, but also inspired as marketers. And while we may not always have a perfect fit or immediate need for these artists’ work, their work does leave a mark on ours in one way or another. Connecting with your audiences visually is a powerful tool and the following three filmmakers have got this skill DOWN. We’d like to introduce a collection of FRESH filmmakers!

Arthur Ircink is a special kind of storyteller. In this day and age of mass appeal and national networks, Arthur researches and reports on local Wisconsin food stories because, as he so eloquently puts it, “Instead of making the Guy Fieris and the Rachael Rays celebrities, why not make local chefs and farmers the celebrities? … For us it’s all about the story, that’s what makes your dinner more exciting, the food always tastes better when you know its story.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves (though we’ve been trying for years). And we sincerely appreciate the work of outside-the-norm creative types.

Take Casey Neistat, for example. This indie filmmaker’s style is less-than-corporate (similar to Mr. Ircink’s), yet, we feel, more relatable than stuffier film fare. It’s this type of communication that will reach and entice new customers to try FRESH, so even if we can’t land Neistat to direct a client video or two (though we’re still gonna try), we can aim to emulate his cool and easy quality.

Which brings us to another crew of filmmakers who are documenting their social journey around the country in the film Follow Friday the Film. We first heard of the project through – surprise! – Facebook when one of Brock’s friends who is part of the crew posted about it. Upon further investigation, it turned out that the film’s mission of uncovering the power of connections made through social networks, and Twitter in particular, is parallel to our marketing endeavors to connect with the consumers of fresh produce. We often haven’t met the people we follow/follow us, yet we regularly solicit their advice, input and opinions. So, it just made sense for us – The Core and DMA Solutions – to get involved (which we did via the film’s page on Kickstarter, a funding platform for creative projects).

Then we discovered that the crew was terrified of the prospect 8,500 miles of fast food and convenience store meals and it dawned on us. We know a few folks in the FRESH business. We simply made a few introductions and now many members of the FRESH produce industry are supporting the film and their mission of showcasing and expanding the power of social media (and relieving the crew of their biggest fear by providing FRESH products to be enjoyed throughout the road trip).

We’re so excited about being able to support this project as a non-traditional way to also promote our industry’s products, people and commitment to social media engagement. So enough rambling by us. No one can describe this opportunity better than Erin Faulk, the filmmaker, herself.

Their journey kicked off yesterday and you can be along for every stop along the way.

Follow the crew via Twitter and their blog. And look for the film to hit film festivals (crossing fingers) next year.



Posted by: The DMA Solutions Team