What’s Hot

Why should you keep a gratitude journal? Learn about benefits and many reasons to write down what you're grateful for in preparation for Thanksgiving.
Influencer marketing is crucial to a brand's consumer engagement. Understanding this landscape can help you utilize an influencer to the best of their ability.
Super Bowl advertising spots during the big game on Sunday reportedly sold out at approximately $5.3 million per advertisement with 77 spot sold.
Avoid these major pitfalls from big-name brands who learned the hard way in 2019.
We recently launched our 2020 Social Media and Produce Marketer’s Calendars, both designed to help marketers with strategic planning.
Some things change, while others stay the same on social media. Understanding what to look for as we end 2019, and how to approach 2020 is more crucial than ever. Check out these resources to learn what you need to be on the lookout for.
We’re here to clear the air and get real about what social advertising really looks like.
At PMA Fresh Summit, we were dazzled by the marketing potential in floral! We are eager to learn more about the trends, stats, & brands shaping the space.
In the saturated world of media, your brand must have a story worth telling in order to stand out. Does your brand story have these key elements?
It’s not enough to earn a media placement: you need to be able to explain your wins to prove the value of public relations in the fresh produce industry.