Influencer Marketing

Like with other bona fide public relations catastrophes, the one positive element is that we marketers can learn from them—without actually having to go through the ordeals ourselves.
When you hear a song for the first time, do you pay close attention to the lyrics? I know I don’t! Choosing influencers for your brand is just like learning song lyrics – it’s all about the details, details, details.
Influencers bridge the gap from marketers to consumers, authentically engage with brands, enhance social media communities, and create beautiful content. Here are a few other reasons we love and appreciate our influencer partners.
When determining whether influencer marketing is an ideal strategy for your brand, it’s important to review both pros and cons, but make sure you aren't falling victim to these four myths about influencers.
Influencers present a great opportunity for fresh produce brands to reach people, however, it is crucial to work with influencers who can align seamlessly with your brand.
While you might already work with influencers on behalf of your brand, are you engaging with them on all digital platforms and are they fully integrated into your marketing strategy?
Before you seek to partner with every influencer that approaches you, be sure to vet them for authenticity, because inauthentic influencers will have little to no impact on your marketing goals.
From our experience, working with smaller even micro-influencers are the sweet spot when looking to cultivate a mutually beneficial influencer marketing relationship that can flourish into a brand ambassadorship.
We asked 20 of our top food editors and bloggers what they’re seeing for 2018 food trends, including sous vide, meals on-the-go, instant pot, & more.
How can you take influencer connections to the next level and motivate a blogger to act as an ambassador for your brand?