Fresh Produce Industry

During unprecedented times, consider pivoting to helpful and strategic media communications.
We are here to help your brand be a “helpful first” resource to consumers and customers.
Press releases, media pitching, crisis communications are all PR initiatives to help spread your company news as trade show cancelations occur.
Read on for our in-depth analysis of the changing content landscape, including audience reactions, plus some recommendations for your brand to implement.
Don’t lose your loyal followers by staying silent. We’re sharing our top 3 tips for keeping engagement levels high!
Fellow marketers, I am going to skip the messaging around the state of our society and the impact on our businesses. PMA, TIPA and United Fresh are all doing a good job on keeping members updated with facts relating to economic and political changes.
We don't know how things will unfold tomorrow or even a month from now. What we know is that NOW is the time to take action as fresh food marketer!
Social media can be unpredictable, making flexibility and adaptability a key to success for the social media marketer.
She was a woman that was a bright light, a mover, a shaker, and a difference maker. Frieda lived a life that was full and perfectly suited for her.
You’ve probably felt overwhelmed ahead of Fresh Summits in the past, but take it from us: you shouldn’t have to feel stressed about this show every year.