With only 14 months left of binge watching The Office on Netflix, here are five ways we can learn from Michael Scott and the crew on how “not” to do public relations.
A great way to make the most out of any company announcement or news is to meet with media 1-on-1 to ensure your messaging and talking points get across.
It’s not enough to earn a media placement: you need to be able to explain your wins to prove the value of public relations in the fresh produce industry.
While some think the press release is dead, we at DMA Solutions soundly disagree. Press releases are an effective way to share newsworthy, timely updates.
Push fresh produce through the clutter of consumer media and craft your pitches for the right people, using the right messaging and capitalizing on trends.
Because public relations isn’t as easily measured as other aspects of marketing, it is all the more important for the client and PR team to be aligned when it comes to setting goals for the future.
While public relations and college football seem like separate worlds, there are numerous lessons marketers can learn from studying their favorite teams.