Public Relations

Fresh Summit will be here before we know it, and it's important to take advantage of each opportunity to maximize your presence at the show, including being ready to speak on camera when the trade media stops by your booth. Here are some of our best media training tips as you prepare for the show.
Public relations is a vehicle used to get your message in front of a vast amount of people, but it’s also a tool to build your brand and your reputation to a community. Here are a few PR tactics that retailers can benefit from.
Whether you are a startup or an established B2B or B2C company, here are 5 reasons you should be investing in public relations.
To stand out amongst the noise of the crowded marketplace of new products and innovation, it’s imperative to have a sound plan in place when positioning your brand as a resource to the media.
To avoid the headache of being ghosted by national media, here are some dos and don’ts when reaching out to pitch your story or product.
We still firmly believe in sending out press releases as a part of your overall marketing strategy, but there is a time and a place – and etiquette – in doing so. Before you hit that send button, here are a couple of things to consider in regards to releasing news to the trade or consumer media.
Learn first-hand how editors want to be pitched new products and stories, and how the public relations landscape is evolving based on how media is being consumed today.
From our experience, working with smaller even micro-influencers are the sweet spot when looking to cultivate a mutually beneficial influencer marketing relationship that can flourish into a brand ambassadorship.
All politics aside, we’ve learned several important PR lessons from some of the biggest brands who failed to see the importance of timing, consideration, and word choice.
While many marketers are still trying to get their arms around the practice, the future of public relations is looking to be more palatable than ever.